After 20 some years, I have started riding seriously. It has taken a lot of effort to remember the technical stuff. After all these years of flipping displines, trail riding, and just messing around when the opportunity arose, I have a lot of bad habits.

One of my goals moving to Lesotho was to learn how to play polo. One time out in the polo saddle and I found out just how poor my skills were, how hard the ground was, and how old my body was. So I started training again. I am learning a new skill afterall, one less dangerous than polo, cross country/evening.
This is a shot of me coming in from behind. Actually, I was trying to follow the other rider, not take over. My horse, a former race horse, was much more interested in charging ahead. I only did one round. But that is okay, it was my first time out. We then did a single round of show jumping. I would have really liked to do more, and higher, rounds, but had to take two very sleepy kids home for naps. 37 cross country jumps and 10 in the ring and I am feeling good. Guess I am not as old as I thought I was.
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